Demographics: A Major Driver of Pharmaceutical Sales

Posted on October 8, 2012


Demographics are an important factor for every industry.  ZipCodeMaps shows you how pharmaceutical companies rely on demographics to gauge their future profits. 

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While nearly every demographic group in the US relies on pharmaceuticals, companies like CVS Pharmacy target specifically the elderly.  The elderly (which the US Census defines as individuals 60 and older) account for a majority of CVS’s revenue from pharmaceutical sales.


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Census Data on the Elderly

Take a look at some figures from the US Census:

  • The number of Americans age 60 and older grew by 21% since the year 2000
  • There are currently 57 million Americans age 60 and older
  • By the year 2050, there are projected to be 112 million Americans age 60 and older

If you were a pharmaceutical company like CVS, these figures would indicate your business has a bright future.


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Use Demographics to Plan Ahead

Demographics are important in determining your business opportunity.  If you know who your target demographic is, you can use demographic data to analyze demographic trends, evaluate future projections, and much more.  You can adjust your business to accommodate a shift in demographics and stay one step ahead of your competitors.


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If you’re looking for the highest quality demographic data to keep in touch with your target demographic, contact ZipCodeMaps.  We offer thousands of demographics such as Census data, crime statistics, future projections, and more.  Demographics are available at the ZIP Code level, making it easier for you to target markets and organize direct mail.


Contact ZipCodeMaps today and find out how you can use demographic data to analyze trends and plan ahead

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