What Do Politicians Spend on Direct Mail?

Posted on October 30, 2012


Election Day is upon us.  In one week, we will be deciding on new representatives, new ballot measures, and a new president.  How much money did politicians spend on direct mail campaigning this election season?  ZIPCodeMaps.com takes a look. 


Image via boston.com

Although the two presidential candidates have spent millions on social media and televised ads, their campaigns have also spent plenty of money on a more traditional form of communication The two presidential campaigns have spent nearly twice as much on old-fashioned fliers, get-out-the-vote cards and other forms of direct mail as they have on internet advertising, according to disclosure data and campaign aides.


Image via capitolhillblue.com

Big Campaigns, Big Spending

Direct mail has been especially crucial to Romney’s campaign.  Romney and the Republican National Committee have spent over $100 million on direct mail costs, compared to $70 million for Obama and the Democrats.  Romney’s supporters are typically older Americans over 45, making direct mail a more useful means of communication than digital media.


Image via kuchar4ushouse.com

Direct mail can be a valuable tool for marketing, advertising, and raising general awareness of a political campaign or a business.  But how can you effectively plan your direct mail so you know that your mailings are going to the right people?  Contact ZIPCodeMaps.com.  We provide the most accurate, up-to-date postal maps and data.  Use ZIP Code and Carrier Route maps to plan out your direct mail campaigns, and high quality demographic data to determine where your direct mail will be the most effective.


Image via zipcodemaps.com

Contact ZIPCodeMaps.com today and discover how our maps, data, and solutions can help you plan effective direct mail campaigns for your business

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